Please choose which fellowship you wish to make a nomination for. Nominees for the PRITE Fellowships who intend to specialize in child psychiatry can mark "PRITE w/Child PRITE" to also be considered for the Child PRITE Fellowship.
Select rating Fair Good Excellent Outstanding Not Able to Rate
By providing an endorsement of this candidate, I certify that if chosen the candidate will be supported by the residency in this endeavor and sufficient time provided for them to complete their writing and review assignments during the two-year appointment.
In addition, I certify that the program will agree to provide time for the fellow to attend meetings both in-person (approximately 12 days per year) and virtually. Specifically, residents/fellows will not be required to use vacation time or PTO for these activities.
NOTE: Each separately accredited sponsoring institution may submit only one nomination.
NOTE: Candidates may be nominated for either the PRITE or Laughlin Fellowship, not both in the same year. Those selected as a PRITE or Laughlin Fellow may not apply for the other fellowship in future years.
DEADLINE: Applications due by: May 15th of each calendar year